EPA Victoria Victorian Landfill Register (VLR) - Location Polygons

EPA Victoria Victorian Landfill Register (VLR) - Location Polygons

The Victorian Landfill Register created by EPA in 2018 lists all current and known closed landfills in Victoria and creates a strong foundation for building a complete and comprehensive landfill register for Victorians. Landfills can cause contamination, but once a landfill is closed, operators are obliged to rehabilitate and manage their sites. Even when closed, careful management of sites is required. Many rehabilitated landfills are now safe parks and public spaces, enjoyed by the community.

The register draws information from various sources and all sites listed undergo verification before inclusion on the register.

While this public register will make landfill information more available, it should not be used as the only source of information when making important decisions. EPA will continue to build on the register, adding information and improving the service.

This dataset mirrors the VLR data available on EPA's website, but may not be up to date due to data transfer processes. For the most up to date information on operating landfill please visit the EPA register of permission.

Data and Resources

Additional Information

Field Value
Published (Metadata Record) 11/12/2023
Last updated 04/09/2024
Organisation Environment Protection Authority Victoria
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
Category Spatial Data
Full metadata URL https://metashare.maps.vic.gov.au/geonetwork/srv/api/records/df524c36-2707-480b-a149-36d8cf361ea9/formatters/sdm-html?root=html&output=html